/ Jet Pascua ______
UTSTILLING, Felleslageret 29. januar - 29. februar 2016 01. juli - 4. juli 2016 ______ Vannet - refleksjoner rundt de mest umiddelbare spørsmålene i vår tid. / |
Kunstneren Jet Pascua er tydelig påvirket av bakgrunnen som immigrant til Norge. Han bruker historiske hendelser som referanser i arbeidet og tar opp spørsmål om bruk av fortid for å håndtere og forstå nåtiden. Migrasjon, minne, folk på flukt er tema for utstillingen som setter lys på svœrt aktuelle samfunnsspørsmål. I dag arbeider Pascua vekselvis på kunstakademiet i Tromsø og i Manila.
Permanence and impermanence, forgotten memories and remembrance, hard wood and fluid lines, are all apparent paradoxes that stream through Jet Pascua’s new solo exhibition: Water always seeks the line of least resistance.
At the heart of these works, the evocation of water comes back time after time in waves that weave together past and present. In Pascua’s work, the sea is what carries migrants on fragile dinghies that make their way to Europe’s shores, it’s the source of life that gives a contrasting background to the deaths of those that history forgets; but water is also a personal place of memory, a source of comfort that reminds the artist of home, and of a culture–that of the Philippines–which he navigates as both an insider and an outsider.
In the Philippines, says Pascua, history keeps repeating itself. The past washes ashore the present in unending cycles, because tragic events are not adequately remembered. Likewise in the globalized world, history is learnt but reiterated nonetheless, human tragedies are each different but all the same: some countries benefit from the plight of others, some get richer while some give away their lives in search of a better future.
Water always seeks the line of least resistance explores the sinuous paths that life takes to blossom–and sometimes perish. With installations, drawings and paintings, Pascua aptly demonstrates that every one has a role to play in shaping the course of the worldwide flow of life.
Marion Bouvier / January 2016
At the heart of these works, the evocation of water comes back time after time in waves that weave together past and present. In Pascua’s work, the sea is what carries migrants on fragile dinghies that make their way to Europe’s shores, it’s the source of life that gives a contrasting background to the deaths of those that history forgets; but water is also a personal place of memory, a source of comfort that reminds the artist of home, and of a culture–that of the Philippines–which he navigates as both an insider and an outsider.
In the Philippines, says Pascua, history keeps repeating itself. The past washes ashore the present in unending cycles, because tragic events are not adequately remembered. Likewise in the globalized world, history is learnt but reiterated nonetheless, human tragedies are each different but all the same: some countries benefit from the plight of others, some get richer while some give away their lives in search of a better future.
Water always seeks the line of least resistance explores the sinuous paths that life takes to blossom–and sometimes perish. With installations, drawings and paintings, Pascua aptly demonstrates that every one has a role to play in shaping the course of the worldwide flow of life.
Marion Bouvier / January 2016
Water always seeks the line of least resistance - Jet Pascua
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